Wk3 Reading: Art of Possibility

It’s a bit scary how much this book is speaking to me, it relates to the moments in my life that are occurring right now. The letter Georgina wrote to Zander in Chapter 5 stood out to me the most. She explains in her letter how her set back with her seating arrangements changed from a disappointment to a winning situation. I too can relate to Georgina. For the past 6 years I held the Program Chair position for my school. Changes in my workplace took place where I no longer was holding this position. As some of you may know, I was demoted to the lead instructor position and my ego was a bit wounded. My campus president at the time explained to me how there is good in change and that a setback in life is never a bad thing. As days went by I was sad and bitter but than I began to realize that titles didn’t make me, I can still continue to lead and I still had a voice which can be heard- program head or not. Just like Georgina and her position in the orchestra, I too came to the realization with the help of my campus president that I still mattered and made a difference.
“…A leader does not need a podium; she can be sitting quietly on the edge of any chair, listening passionately and with commitment, fully prepared to take up the baton.” -  Benjamin  Zander


Alf | August 17, 2012 at 8:51 PM

Hi Vivianne,

Isn’t it crazy how this book speaks to us no matter where we are in life? I’m sure you are finding the lessons and advice very helpful in your current situation. The story about leading from any chair in the orchestra certainly spoke words of wisdom to me, too. It confirmed that we have the utmost potential to be leaders no matter what title or job position we have. I really liked the quote that you gave also, that we should be fully prepared to take action when the right time presents itself. In the frame of the teachings, I really embrace this optimistic mentality and how it is poignantly illustrated to us using the authors’ personal anecdotes. In fact, all of this material from the book validates my purpose as a human being. We have only have one life to live (YOLO, lol) so let’s take the time to re-envision our situations and get the most useful learning out of them. We’re at the home stretch of our graduation program–are you excited about what will happen next?

jbb | August 19, 2012 at 6:34 PM

Thanks for sharing your experience. It is such a difficult balance to maintain between the recognition one thinks one should receive and what's really important in what one does. We need the recognition, but our strength needs to come from a deeper source that isn't effected by the politics of the moment or the agendas of others. Thanks for sharing your experiences and victories.

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