Week 2/ Art of Possibility

The message in this book could not have crossed my path at a better time then, right NOW. I have been dealing and coping with some drastic changes at my place of work and not for the better. The politics of education has been affecting me, giving me a heavy heart. I was beginning to question my place in the world of education and if my passion has any worth where change can actually take place.

“Art of Possibility” reminded me that I am the director of this movie called, my life, and I have to believe that regardless how much the measurements of life challenge me, I must carry on and “enlarge the box, or create another frame around the date, and problems will vanish, while new opportunities appear.” Thinking, living, and being outside the box is what I took away from Chapter 1. I have to take my issues and refocus on how to go around it and not let the box get smaller with my problems, stress, and worries.

I related most with Chapter 3 because it described what I am going through as an educator. I have to chip away the “Michelangelo” stone in order to reveal my true self and begin to express “Vivianne” again. I must start with me so I can give my students the opportunity to do the same. In Giselle Hillyer letter to Mr. Zander, she wrote, “…trying and achieving are the same thing when you are your own master – and I am.” This statement was strong and powerful to me;  it reminded me of who I was once and who I need to be today. My thought process of dealing with life has been enlightened and my efforts will change. A positive mind can do it all.

  “Art of Possibility” is my self-help book to being a free soul again within education. I look forward to reading more.

1 comment

jbb | August 19, 2012 at 6:28 PM

I'm so glad that you've been encouraged by the reading. It is good to know that the world is so much bigger than we think and that it contains almost infinite possibilities for those willing to step out of their routine. Good to remember that/

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