Week 1/Response to Mavy

Mavy said: 
Copyright laws have always been a mystery to me since I started creating media assets and I’ve always imagined that only a lawyer could understand that world. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to understand what is a copyright, how to use it, what is fair share and what is creative commons. With each video, I understood the importance of getting the owner of copyright items to participate in the future changes on how other people can use their material. For example, I think that the creative commons is a useful way to protect content on the web and let other individuals know how they can use the copyright material.
Also, the explanation on how to use copyright material using the fair use rules or checklist helped me a lot since as an Art Teacher I have to use artwork from individuals that are still alive to help me teach my students. Now I know how to use content, the amount of time, and that it will not affect the material in the market place. This list is great and having a guideline will mold how a person can use content creatively within legal limits.
There are still a lot of changes that need to take place to create a more unified system of using materials that others have created, but that will take the effort of many people to create something that will work. For now I believe that we just need videos like the ones I saw to learn what the rules are, and support programs like creative commons to elevate creative minds.

Resource pages created by Joseph Bustillos:

Copyright Issues Part 1

Copyright Issues Part 2

Copyright Issues Part 3


My response to Mavy's post:

Mavy, I can relate to your feelings towards the world of copyright having the notion of being an intimidating arena that only experts can decipher. For this reason, I believe that many people don’t make an effort to fully understand the ideas behind these laws. However, the videos we watched assisted in analyzing and simplifying the content and details of this law.

With the Internet being so free with information the need to control and police its’ content has required copyright laws to be more forceful. Organizations such as Creative Commons can help the common population understand and apply these laws to their own creative work, especially in the Art World. I will be introducing Creative Commons to my students during my presentation of Copyright laws and Fair Use so they can begin to comprehend the importance on practicing this law. The explanation of Fair Use in the videos was very helpful for me as well, being that we are on the same boat in regards to presenting art during teaching. 

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