Week 4/ Leadership Role Model Reflection

So the question of the day is who would be my leadership role model? I though long and hard as I have seen many presenters that I was impressed with but the one person that stood out amongst the rest was a man that I admire and would have loved the opportunity to see present in person. The man I gloat about is Steve Jobs. This man was so creative, passionate, and engaging when he conducted his presentations. Whenever I would watch his presentations on new Apple products I would feel like a kid in a candy store. He made you feel as if you and him were in a room alone discussing a product; you would hang on to every word that would come out of his mouth.
Steve Jobs’ confidence, enthusiasm, laid-back approach, and showmanship are some of the attributes that I would borrow for my Leadership presentation. I want to dazzle my audience in the same manner Steve did. He was a great man and his legacy will continue. I will make him proud during my presentation.

1 comment

jbb | September 2, 2012 at 12:33 PM

Great choice. I had the pleasure to be there in 2007 at Macworld when Steve Jobs announced the original iPhone. i'll never forget the experience, the electricity in the air. How this man spoke so naturally for over an hour to a room filled with thousands... amazing. There will only be one Steve Jobs and I heard him speak, in person, on more than one occasion. Wonderful memories.

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