Week 4 WIMBA Archive

When I was younger, I remember watching the music video by Van Halen, Right Now and not fully pay attention to the idea behind it. Watching this video now at my age and with my new insights to life due to the book, Art of Possibilities, it’s profound in its message. 

Art of Possibility: How is the Art of Possibility different from the Power of Positive Thinking or Oprah's "The Secret"?
I have read “The Secret” several times and still fail at thinking positive every single minute of the day. With Art of Possibility, it guides you with a more realistic approach of dealing with life.

Art of Possibility: Which chapters meant the most to you and why?
Yes Steve, F it! I agree with you 100%. I have to learn how to laugh at myself and not take myself so seriously. The chapter that moved me the most was Chapter 3, “Giving an A”. It really helped me cope and handle myself with the issues that I have been dealing with it at work. It really felt as if this chapter was speaking directly to me.

Art of Possibility: What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and your life?
This book has impacted both my work environment and personal life. I take the need to take ownership of everything that happens in my life and not to let the measurements of life take control of that. The biggie one for me is not to stress things that I have no control over and that I matter regardless of where I stand in this world. 

Rhonda, Mavy, Alf and Steve, you all made great points as well in regards to the book. I will go back and read this book again and again so I can continue to grow.  Like Alf and Steve mentioned, this was a great book to begin the closing of our journey in order to help us prepare for the next level. The preview for Month 12 was very much appreciated. I am ready!

1 comment

jbb | September 2, 2012 at 12:35 PM

Thanks for reviewing the archive and for your contributions to the conversation over the month. Enjoy month 12.

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