PE-2: GarageBand: The Journey

Being that the only knowledge I have of music is listening to songs on my IPOD, I think I bit off more than I can chew with this program.  I was a bit lost while listening to Todd Howard  present the ins and outs of Garage Band and discuss C minor and tempos. However, as I continued to learn about tempos, creating tracks and keys, I became more excited.
When I looked at the interface I was bit confused. I asked myself, "where is the tool bar?", but the cool thing about Garage Band is that its' main cursor has many of its' tools built in. When you want to trim or loop a region in your time line, Garage Band makes it easy by offering a contact sensitive cursor instead of traditional toolbar.
So now that I know how to manipulate my loops I can move on to arranging them into the timeline to build my first song. I can also bring in loops from Itunes, my desktop, or use Garage Bands library. One can also organize loops into categories, which I recommend. One can get overwhelmed due to all the choices Garage Band offers. Distractions can happen and the goal to making a good song is gone, which kind of happened to me. I guess I got too excited but I'm focused again.  I placed my loops on my tracks and changed tempos, panned volumes, and trimmed here and there.What I came up with was not that bad. Take a listen of my beginning stage of my song from what I have learned so far. I think it's a good start and am pretty excited about it.

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