BP6 RILS: Animoto Review Continued

DD150 ‘Reflections’ project. 

I will use Animoto for students in DD150 to reflect on their experience in the class and upload the projects they have created during the class. I believe that this tool will help my students reflect on their experience as they begin their journey in the GDA program. They will also have the opportunity to share their experience with their classmates on the DD150 Google circle. I will create and or upload the video to their FACEBOOK account so their friends can view them .

I have submitted an education application and they have given me a promotional code to distribute to my students so they can receive a 6 month subscription to Animoto Plus. I will also give my students a brief where it gives them the directions to the Reflections project. 

We will create an account to Animoto.com together. Here you will create a movie with the following layout. Please include sound to your video. When complete please copy link to a post on the DD150 Google Circle.

1.     TEXT IMAGE – DD150 Reflections by (your name)
2.     Project 1
3.     TEXT IMAGE - Why GDA?
4.     Project 2
5.     TEXT IMAGE - What inspires me?
6.     Project 3
7.     TEXT IMAGE – What are your thoughts of DD150 Basic Designs
8.     Project 4

After creating the movie, I realized I have to be more detailed with the directions so the students will not get confused being this is the first time using Animoto.com. Animoto is not difficult to navigate but they would need some guidance. Please take a moment and view the Reflections movie I created. I hope you enjoy it: DD150 Reflections project.

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