BP8 RILS Reflection

My experience with my R.I.L.S. presentation was both positive and fun.  At first I was going to present Animoto.com to my 1st course students but failed to realize that the timing of this project and the students schedule towards projects were not synched and I wanted at least 4 of their best pieces thus far to be part of my Reflections project. So I decided to present Animoto.com to my 2nd course class which worked out well. They were able to gather work from both of their first and second class to see how they have grown. The class had fun using Animoto.com and it increased the motivation and engagement in the classroom.

The Google+ page worked very well in the class. Both my first and second course students have become part of this community of designers that I am building in and outside of the classroom. It felt good when I read their positive posts pertaining to their experience in the classroom and how they look forward for the next day. My students continue to comment and post inspirational links for each other. I even get a post of when they are running late, which I think is adorable.  It’s exciting to see how much they have embraced the Google+ page. 
I believe that web 2.0 tools is the key to a better learning environment. I presented the two web 2.0 tools, Animoto and Google+ for a week and the outcomes were immense. My student’s engagement and motivation increased due to these tools. If you want to increase the motivation and engagement in your class, I suggest these tools to use. I look forward to presenting more web 2.0 tools to my students so I can continue to push their drive to be successful and passionate designers. I am excited to add more of these colors to my digital palette, until the next color.

Please view my R.I.L.S., Reflection of a Digital Design Student on 
Full Sail's University, EducatorStudio.com

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