BP7 RILS - Reflections of a Digital Design Student

Brief Overview:  As digital design students complete their journey through the program, it is important for them to remain motivated and engaged so they can complete the program successfully. My Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS) will show students how to keep their drive to continue the program with a positive mind. Students will reflect on their class experience by creating a visual documentation of their work using Animoto.com and build a community of their peers outside of the class with Google Plus Circles.

Target Audience
Post-secondary digital design students.

1. Computer with Internet access
2. At least 4 projects created in the their class
3. A free Animoto.com student account
4. A free Animoto.com account, education version for instructors
5. A Google Plus Circle where instructor and students are members. 
6. Scanner

Students will understand the importance of communicating amongst their peers for support and motivation.
Students will create their visual documentary based on their experience (projects) in the program.
Students will analyze each other’s reflections and discuss growth within the course.
Students will evaluate and present their movies to each other and the instructor using their online learning environment, Google Plus Circle.

Instructors will:
Register for a Google account and create a Google Plus Circle for the class.
Send Google Circle invitations so students can become part of the virtual learning environment.
Apply for an Animoto plus Education account.
Distribute the 6-month subscription to Animoto Plus to your students.
Familiarize yourself with Animoto.com.
Make sure scanners are up and running in the case students need to digitize any work in order to upload their work for the student visual documentary.
Students will:
Create a folder on their desktop with at least 4 projects they created in their introductory class. Use the scanner to digitize your projects, if needed.
Create their online account with Animoto.com through their instructor’s invitation.
Create an Animoto movie with their project images, sound and text following the design brief given by instructor.
Accept invitation to class Google Plus circle.
On the Google Plus circle “Post” wall, comment on your experience in the program thus far and copy a link to your Animoto.com movie.

Emerging Technology
Animoto.com is a web application that produces videos from user-selected photos, video clips and music. http://www.animoto.com
Google+ is a social networking platform through Google.com. http://www.plus.google.com

Social Participation/Social Learning
Through the use of the Google+ Circle class page student interaction will be promoted by creating a learning environment where students can support, inspire, and motivate each other with their movies created on Animoto.com. They also have the option of sharing their movies to friends and families on Facebook where they can expand the feedback and comments.

Making Connections
The students will make connections with:
The classroom content by including their projects created throughout the course into their Reflections project.

Relevancy is presented in this project by guiding the student to understand the importance of building a community amongst each other, art students.
Local or global audience by communicating their experience to their instructor, classmates, friends, and family through a social network platform.

Students will create a movie where it will showcase their created work and document their experience and growth in the program.
Assessment Rubric
Student Reflection: Students will reflect on the experience within the program, creating a multimedia presentation of their experience and collaborating in an online environment with the use of Web 2.0 tools.
Teacher Reflection:  Teachers will reflect through classroom discussion and the student feedback they posted on the Google+ Circle class page. 


Alf | January 29, 2012 at 12:10 PM

Hello Vivianne, I really appreciate your using Google+ in your RILS. I think Google offers the most comprehensive and effective collaboration tools that can aid teachers in their lessons. Using Web 2.0 tools especially ones related to social media just make it easier for students to connect with their learning. By allowing them to access knowledge they should already know (social media) and interact with the people that matter most (family, friends and peers), students can craft a meaningful experience from this assignment and take it with them wherever they go. Using Animoto as a tool for reflection will also secure design knowledge and inspiration that students can go back to and share with everyone (especially potential employers and co-workers).

Vivianne | January 29, 2012 at 4:29 PM

Yes Angelo I agree about both tools. I also told my students the same thing about Animoto, how they can use this tool to create online portfolios to send to potential employers.

Anonymous | January 29, 2012 at 6:29 PM

Vivianne, your idea is definitely one I will be using in my classroom. I believe that Google+ is the best way to communicate with students and teachers. By using this web 2.0 tool, students will learn how to use social media wisely and create a network that can be used for their future. Also, combining with Animoto, students will share experiences that can help and motivate other students. As they share their ideas and projects, they will be able to receive feedback that will help them improve their quality of work. In addition, teachers will have control over how to use this social media, how to teach it, and share information with their students. I applaud you for this idea and will be on board to using these two tools as assignments for my class.

Bryan | January 29, 2012 at 6:52 PM

Vivianne, I liked your RILS goal a lot here. I know you’re aiming to improve motivation in your AR project, as am I, and it seems like you’ve tapped into a good start at doing so. I think the use of Google+ is a good call too, such a nice interface, and I have to agree with Alf’s comment, they seem to have it down with all of their interfacing and collaborative tools over there. I’m unfamiliar with Animoto, but will definitely give it a look as I devise my ideas for increasing motivation in my class. I also liked that you included a student’s example of an Animoto video. Had you considered that these could be a great way for your students to present their work as a digital portfolio? It seems that could be the case to me. All around, good job, Viv! I love reading a lesson plan where I just know I’m going to end up borrowing ideas and trying them with my own students! Thanks!

Vivianne | January 30, 2012 at 6:12 PM

Thank you so much for your comments, Mavvy & Bryan.

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